I usually spend at least one day a weekend running around town hitting up sales to try to find my jewelry and what other vintage bits catch my eye. It's an exhausting ordeal every time. But so totally worth it when I get home and lay everything out to go over what I bought. Going to try and make it a tradition to post images of my finds. They're my treasures, I always try to find out the back story on interesting bits or at least a time period that they're from. It's like taking a walk through history, though sad to say that many of the items come from estate sales so everything I hear is at least second hand knowledge. I hope the people who owned my items before me are happy that I put a lot of care into making their old belongings anew, creating something beautiful and new with them.
So here's a couple shots of the items I found this past weekend. I spent most of my sunday afternoon at an antique fair, where I found all of my items. I tried a couple other stops around town but was sadly unable to find anything of value to me.
This first group here is a variety of buttons. I really like the beaded ones that just sparkle and catch the light. But the soft and simple mother of pearl buttons are just simple and elegant. The old looking military button is something I need to find out a little more about. My father, a marine man, says that it looks like a very old army button.

I was on the look out for some Steampunk themed items on Sunday. Found some!! Though I'm thinking it might be wise to update my tetanus shot.... These little gears are sharp! Digging through a big bin full of them was fun but a little worrisome due to the sharp edges. Not sure how I'll be putting these together, but I'm excited to play around with them.

Seems I was really lucky on finding Cameos! They can be really hard to find in good condition for reasonable prices. I try very hard to keep my prices reasonable, I know that at this point in time not that many people can afford to pay high prices for a fascinator, as much as they may want to. So even though I see a fabulous item of jewelry, I have to hold my self back if it's too expensive. I've often had to pass on lovely items for just that reason. I don't want to have to pass on those expenses to my buyers, so I put in the extra effort to find good items for good prices. I'm also the queen of getting discounts. You never know unless you ask! The sparkly item in the top right corner is actually about 1/2 of a vintage brooch, it was broken who knows how long ago. But I plan on fixing it up enough that later on no one will know. The teeny tiny cameo at the bottom in the middle is actually from a ring! The ring band was broken off just outside of the design, but I know I can still put it to work.

A little fact for ya... Back when cameo's were very popular, people would wear the black on black cameo for mourning. Have to stay fashionable even after the passing of a loved one.
So that's what I found this past weekend, I think I did fairly well. Can't wait to see what comes out of it!