Hitting the road in... about 5 hours. Or at least that's the plan. Evidently Miss Vivienne Vermuth, my roadtrip buddy, is expecting me to be getting up at 6am. Silly woman... In hopes of actually staying on schedule I'm heading over to her home tonight to snuggle with her kitties so that she can shove me out the door in the morning on time. Once we hit NOLA we're picking up the fabulously fabulous Red Snapper at the airport and hitting the hotel for a disco nap. There's 3 nights of shows, back to back. The list of performers is so long! And a couple of our amazing Dallas girls are taking the stage to bring a bit of extra flavor to the event.

There are so many amazing things going on this weekend that I'm not even going to try and list all of them. Please check out the website to get the full details. There's performances, pannel discussions, workshops, VENDORS (haha that's me!!), and even a few of the proud legends of New Orleans burlesque. I'm going to make damn sure I get to meet these amazing women.

Buy your tickets here :)
Follow me on twitter to keep up with all the fun details!
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